
  • Witcher 3 The King Is Dead
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 19:25
    Witcher 3 The King Is Dead

    It’s no secret that in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (or any of the other Witcher games or books), Geralt enjoys a woman’s company. Intimate scenes are a-plenty between him and other characters, with most main female characters giving you the opportunity for romance. During 'The King Is Dead—Long Live The King,' which is the main quest you. The King is Dead - Long Live The King - main quest The Witcher 3 Guide. After a spectacular battle, you will find yourself in Mousesack laboratory. You can look around the laboratory, but in order to continue the search take the vessel from the locker near the bed and place in the hand of the statue standing near the map - by doing so you will open.

    1. Witcher 3 The King Is Dead Long Live

    Share on:The King is Dead – Long Live the King introduces the state of politics on Skellige, but The Witcher 3 is filled with warm human moments and you’ll get one of those, too.The Witcher 3: The King is Dead – Long Live the KingThe first thing you should do is open your quest menu and select the optional objective so the HorsePS trail leads you there first. If you’re coming direct from the last quest you’ll pass a notice board and a quest marker to load up on secondary objectives. Stop at the Herbalist for a game of Gwent if that’s your bag. Get a shave if you like, too, and speak to the innkeeper to buy Gwent cards and play a hand with him.In Yennefer’s room, you can rifle through her things if you like. Your goal is the chest in a corner. Grab some clothes – Yennefer doesn’t seem to like either of them much, and prefers your black and white Nilfgaardian outfit if you have it still, but she won’t scold you as long as you’ve made an effort, so get changed before following your HorsePS. Take Roach; it’s a much longer trip than it looks.

    Inside, remember you’re supposed to be being diplomatic and not drink as you chat. Accept the challenge to race Cerys if you like; it’s not hard to beat her as long as you haven’t changed back into heavy armour.When you’re allowed up, you can walk around and chat to various parties. Speak to Bran’s widow and you can again decide whether to drink or not. Speak to the pair standing in a window alcove and you can have your future read and again choose whether to drink or not. Finally, at the door on the way to your waypoint you’ll meet two arguing jarls. If you are anything but conciliatory you end up in a brawl, but nobody tries to get you drunk.Turns out Yennefer has an ulterior motive, and still treats Geralt pretty poorly, keeping him in the dark.

    Still, you share a cute moment as you progress, while you listen to two guards discussing very important matters.When you reach the locked door, follow Yennefer out the window – notice she doesn’t bruise her hands clambering over cold stonework – and then back inside. Wander around examining the animals before heading for the door.Defend yourself from the attack; don’t worry, they’re not as scary as the red icons suggest. When you’ve recovered, proceed into the next room.

    DeadWitcher 3 the king is dead sword in stone

    You can look at everything, but especially grab the mead before examining the statue at the end with the hidden door and map. The correct item to place there is a mug of mead, but you can also try the skull and pinecone if you fancy.Before you proceed through the door, you may want to save, and apply Elemental Oil to your silver sword. Head into the secret chamber and battle the Earth Elemental there. It’s not so different from the Gargoyles and Golems you’ve fought before; use Quen so that its attacks bounce back at it, use Yrden to make it easier to dodge, and don’t attack when it is hunched up in defensive mode. Yennefer will distract it admirably, allowing you to hit it with heavy strikes from behind.After the battle, gas starts filling the room. Run around until Geralt and Yennefer panic and decide to teleport out. You have a limited amount of time to choose a response to help her target the spell.SPOILER ALERT: Skip past the italics if you don’t want to know the outcome of this choice.

    If you choose “choke and die” you end up back at the wake. If you choose “kiss”, you end up back in Yennefer’s room. From here, you can elect to hurry back, or choose the other option for a romantic (?) interlude.In either case, you eventually end up back at the wake as the claimants to the throne step forth in a pretty dramatic scene.Afterwards, you chat with Crach – oh yeah, I knew this quest had a point – and pick up three more quests, including our next stop: Echoes of the Past.Onwards to, or back to.Back to.

    Witcher 3 The King Is Dead

    Romance Option: You will have the ability to romance Yennefer in this mission. For more information on romancing Yennefer, check out the page.There is plenty to look at and interact with in Yen’s house, if you wish. By the megascope in the corner, you will find the clothing. Pick it up and put it on.

    Then follow the path up the mountain to the gates of Kaer Trolde. At the gates, Yennefer is talking to the Queen Mother in a heated discussion. When the Queen Mother takes her leave, Yennefer and Geralt head inside.

    They’ll take a seat with all the prospects for the next king or queen. Cerys will even challenge Geralt to a race up the mountain. You may race if you’d like, but there is no reward for it.When your time at the table comes to an end, Yennefer will lead you around the dining room.

    Follow her to the door on the opposite side. Two men will stop and chat with you. They insult Yennefer. You may either defend her or not.

    The former leads to a fist fight. When you leave the dining room, the real purpose for your attendance at the wake is revealed.Yennefer needs to find the druid Ermion’s secret laboratory. Follow her down the halls, hiding from any guards.

    Soon, you’ll come across a locked door. Head out the nearby window and walk around the balcony. Back inside you will find a room filled with stuffed animals. Use your Witcher Senses to investigate the animal room.When you check the door, the room has a purple glow and smells of mushrooms. It doesn’t take long for the stuffed animals to come to life. Take care of them all to continue. Use for crowd control.

    Witcher 3 The King Is Dead Long Live

    The beasts are and wolves. Focus on the wolves first, since they are the fastest. Then Use to burn the to a crisp while also using heavy attacks to the back and the side of the. They should all be down in no time. LoadingIt turns out that Geralt was hallucinating. Yennefer brought him back to his senses and the two continue.

    The next room seems to be Ermion’s study. You can interact with a bunch of objects in here. Activate your Witcher Senses and look around! The two key objects in here that you need to interact with are the mug of mead on the left and the huge thinking statue at the end of the room. Place the mead in the statue’s hand and a secret door will open. In the hidden room is the mask that Yennefer was searching for!

    When she grabs it, a giant wakes up and attacks!Monster Fight: Earth Elemental’s are weak to Elementa Oil and Dimeritium. If you have either of those, equip them before opening the secret door. If not, no big deal.

    The Earth Elemental’s main attacks are huge swings or stomps with plenty of heads up. Read him and dodge out of the way.

    Swoop back in after it attacks and hit it with some heavy blows to the side and the back. Equip first and then use for some distance attacks. Using and can also be helpful in taking down the beast. Otherwise, Yennefer will be helping out too, so the Earth Elemental will go down in no time.When the Earth Elemental is down, the room will fill with a poisonous gas.

    Run around for a bit, trying to find an exit. It doesn’t take long to discover there is no way out except a portal. Yennefer will ask you to think of something. You have two options.

    Witcher 3 The King Is Dead
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